
Showing posts from January, 2014


Ahhh....nothing beats the shit out of me like a cup of hot coffee on a busy day. As a perfectionist, I try to make my cup of coffee perfect with every drop. That means, it's going to take me a lot of time to make a fine damn cup of coffee. I have to get distilled water, boil it for 5 minutes and shit. Then I have to prepare the creamer and slowly put it above the wire gauze above the steam that's coming out of the kettle. What a fancy (and time-consuming) way to make a cup of Joe, don't you think so? Well, in the end, the long wait was worth it. Besides, I use the waiting time to reflect upon my life (and watch movies). Oh, you know, the usual. The good things I've done, the bad things, my good deeds, my sins and that kind of shit. I've thought to myself over and over again about the choices I've made in my life. be seems like I've pretty much wasted it. I never had a girlfriend, never attended any  Project X -lik

Forging New Roads for the Future: 2014

As you all know (well, some of the readers know), that 2014 will be the year of Innovation and Development 2014 marks the start of our new career, relationships, and of course, our new life Our plans for 2014 will start from scratch and build from the ground up Ah yes, the start of a new year is always exciting for me A new chance, a new opportunity, a new beginning As always, I'll try my best to make the next year more productive and cut all deadweights that are stopping me to achieve my goals Anyways, sorry for not posting for so long I've been very busy and my schedule is always getting in the way of my blog :/ Expect more updates and posts this 2014! Seeya!