
Showing posts from December, 2015


When your life has stagnated, or when your life has reached a point where you don't find joy in anything else you do, what would you do? Would you confine yourself to the thought that life nowadays is now confined to a schedule or do you try and break it and get out of the cycle? If you do, what would you do and how would you do it? Those are the questions that have been plaguing me for weeks now. I'm afraid to admit it, but my life really has stagnated. Generally speaking, stagnation is bad, and when I meant that my life has stagnated, it has reached that point where I'm just confined to a schedule, day in and day out, I don't usually find happiness in the things I do anymore—basically the same week keeps repeating over and over and my happiness is slowly declining. A few months ago, when I had my English term, my life was also confined to a schedule—albeit a more fun and enjoyable one. Every Monday morning, I would see the girl I love (my professor) and she would ...