It's Been a Long, Long Time (10+ Years!)

There's so much I feel that I should say, but words can wait until some other day. Nah, I'm just kidding. I'm actually still very much alive and I'm doing well. This blog was a weird chapter in my life. It was the cornerstone of my early high school years, and I remember causing a fuss about it with my then-crush haha.

These days, though, my writings don't really bother anyone. I still write online, say my thoughts and feelings, and I even write daily. I write even more compared to how much I used to back in high school. I even write on my personal website, not under some alias or pseudonym. It's totally a step up from how I used to blog because I'm actually a web developer now. I can make something that looks and performs well, and how I want it to.

So these days I write about how my days go, I rate them on a scale. And I've actually completed an entire year of doing just that: mood journaling. You know, I'd rather show and tell than just tell. So here's a few screenshots.

Cool, right? But I guess you'd be wondering where are my journal entries. Or how does one see it. Well, if you just click on a tile on the calendar, it'll show my mood and journal entry for the day. Here's a sample:

Some entries have a title attached to them, some do not. Most entries have a song of the day, though. There's a lot of existing entries already to make reading it worthwhile for those who care. But that's what I'm working on these days: maintaining a mood calendar and... just work, honestly. I'm still maintaining a mood calendar for 2024 and, so far, it's been looking pretty good.

Life still goes on. When I wrote my last entry years ago, I was in a totally different state. I had a friend group from high school that just got back together. I had a girl best friend whom I felt so close to. And, wow, I lost all of those and now I have something else. The last 2 years of my life have been pretty weird, but weird enough for me to consider every day as a special memory. That's why I started writing about my days (and also because I got jealous from a Reddit post).

Time is a weird thing. The crowning glory of this blog was being able to find Tiffany's Xanga posts, posts about some of her life in California and high school. It was really cute seeing that she had a teenager side that Sones could relate to. I'm no Tiffany Hwang, but that's what became of this blog. It's funny because I can see the cringey stuff I used to worry about in high school, and I guess Tiffany would have the same feelings if she saw her old Xanga posts.

I still blog, funny enough. I've now gotten to a point where I can host and maintain my own blog site right now. I can make my own theme for it, style things how I want to. It's just too bad I couldn't really give my past self these things haha. My past self would've loved a website where he can catalog his stuff on his website, list down the songs that moved him for that day, and all that corny stuff.

Welp, at least he had this.

I'm glad I still have this. This blog was an important step in my life and I'll keep it up for anyone to read as much as I can. While I won't really blog here anymore, it was nice seeing how this blog grew and served its purpose over 10 years. I have my own things now, but I'll still come back to this place every now and then.

Oh, right. Before I go, here's my website:


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