Fuck It, I'm Tired of Being Treated Like This

Sometimes, people reach their limit and....they just snap....they change...
From now on, I will start to slowly kill (my personality) little by little.
No, I won't literally kill myself, I'll just change my personality and my attitude towards everyone.

Oh, and did I ever tell you that I have a toxin inside me?
Yes. I just did, didn't I?
I'm sick, literally.

I don't want to give everything I have, I don't want people to just ignore me.
I want to change, I want to run independently and efficiently.

People.....just....unappreciate me...
One day they do this.
And then the next day, poof!
I'm gone, history, yesterday's trash, dust of the past, whatever you want to call it.

It's been a bumpy and (not to mention stressful) hard life for me.
Doing my best for the people who will (inevitably in this case) eventually leave me.

I'm done.
I'm not putting names here, because you know, some people.
I'm tired of doing stuff for those people; people who don't appreciate

From now on, everything I do will be 99% based on mutualism.

You like me, I like you.
You treat me as your best friend, I treat you as my best friend.
You appreciate me, I appreciate you.
You act nice to me, I will act nice to you.

Treat me like SHIT, I'll treat you like shit.
Hate me, I'll hate you too.
Don't need me?
Well, I don't need you too.

It's a harsh way if you think of it.
But hear me out.

Wouldn't you like to do something for someone who will eventually appreciate it?
Don't you like being thanked and appreciated when you do something?
Don't you just hate it when you do your best for someone and that someone just takes your effort to the trash?

Like, when you make a gift for someone, a special gift, something you've been working hard on.
Then you give that gift and then the person says "Oh...umm...yeah.....I've seen better" or "Sorry, I don't accept trash" or specifically, "I don't like it..."

Now it just seems fair, right?

Here's another thought that is also based on mutualism:
"Never cry for someone who won't cry for you"

You're just wasting your tears if you keep doing that.
Believe me, I wasted A LOT of tears on people who don't deserve it.

Now, I'm not talking about a specific person here.
I wasn't talking about Jean or anyone you know here.
I was just letting out my thoughts.

.....so yeah, fuck it.


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