Movie Time! [Part 1 of 3]

Okay, I've just been in a movie marathon for, like, the past 8 or 9 hours ago and I'm going to be honest here: IT WAS FUCKING AWESOME!

I made this post because umm...well, I just wanted to tell you guys and gals out there what are the 3 best movies I've watched so far and I just felt (somewhat) annoyed that I wasn't posting about all of this stuff. By the way, Elaine had an all-out posting streak or whatever, she's really, like, posting everyday and it's a clear indication that she's going through awesome times.

So, let me start off by telling you what is number 3 in my "Top 3 movies that I've watched in 2014 (so far)" and it's a great film, actually. It's a unique (well, I've never heard of a story like it before) and (somewhat) relatable movie, the movie's called "Her" and it's a movie about a man falling in love with an operating system, OS1 (I know, it's not Windows, damn).

3. Her

I know, I know. Laugh all you want, but contrary to your belief, it's actually a really great film.
Don't just judge a book by its cover, or in this case: Don't judge a movie by its poster.
The film is worth watching and I promise that it is more than what the poster is.

Actually, I kinda prefer another version of the poster, here it is:

It's funny, romantic, dramatic, and most of all, it's possible (well, the possibility of having a non-rogue and human-friendly artificial intelligence capable of learning through experiences and situations programmed into an operating system that can be installed by everyone and anyone who wants to use it, that is).

Yes, you did read it correctly, Scarlett Johansson was one of the main cast members in this movie. Well, she technically was "voice acting" and we NEVER see a picture or reference of Scarlett Johansson's body or physical parts (dude, she was just VOICE ACTING) in the film whatsoever. However, you will hear Scarlett Johansson's sexy voice in a small sex scene in the film and it was something to write about. Like I said earlier, YOU WON'T SEE SCARLETT JOHANSSON'S BODY BECAUSE SHE WAS JUST A VOICE ACTRESS.

The sex scene was satisfying and it got me up from my seat. I literally did not expect a voice sex scene whatever (it was like phone sex or whatever) and Scarlett Johansson really did sound like she was having sex and I'm ashamed to admit it but I will say, in fact, say it: Her sex voice (and her moaning sounds) really did turn me on, and I've never said that about anything before.
By the way, you can check out the sex scene I was talking about in the link above (IT DOES NOT SHOW ANY NUDITY NOR DOES IT SHOW ANY NAKED BODY PARTS WHATSOEVER. Just this man's (eerily creepy) voice and Scarlett Johansson's very sexy voice) and it's by far the best sex scene in a non-pornographic movie I've ever watched.

Scarlett Johansson's extremely sexy voice in that sex scene aside, it was a really great film. It was filled with drama and romance that I've never seen before in a "man and machine" movie. "Her" really grabbed my attention when I read the storyline and after I've watched it, I saw the world with a new pair of eyes. The film really grabbed me, inspired me to get an operating system that I could casually speak to, like my own personal friend, in the near future.

Anyways, the story is about a man who gets (or buys) a new operating system for his laptop (and his phone, I guess, so I guess that "Samantha" (or OS1) is an "OS to rule them all") and then after he finishes installing and setting his preferences, the OS spoke to Theodore Twombly. After a few days of talking with Samantha he starts falling in love with her and Samantha also falls in love with Theodore too. I'm not going to explain much about the story anymore since you can just read about it in Wikipedia and in other film-oriented sites.

At the end of this movie, Theodore learns to let go of his newly-divorced whom he loved so much and just accepted that he should movie on in life. Sure, he fell in love with an operating system (with a sexy voice) but at least he found someone (or "her", in this case) and he totally moved on with his life and learned to love Samantha, the name of the voice he's been talking to in the operating system, more and more with each passing day.
It sure did teach me a valuable lesson of letting go of your ex-loved one but that's another post for another day.

It was a great movie and I sure did enjoy it. For a "techy" guy like me, the film really was awesome and it showed me a side of Scarlett Johansson I never knew. I hope she stars in more films like this, I hope so because I just wish that there was a sequel for this movie.

Here are some screenshots of the movie:

Hopefully you'll stay tuned for my next post about the top 3 films I've watched in 2014 so far!
So, yeah, I'll see you soon!


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