The FX League - Prologue

This story follows the original storyline, and timeline, of the popular anti-gravity racing series called "WipEout."

This story was also based on the WipEout storyline as well as timeline. You would see some events events that took place in this story almost similar or exactly similar to some of the events that happened in WipEout. Like I said before, and I'll say it once again for the sake of clarity: This story is based on the original storyline, and timeline, of the popular racing series called "WipEout."

Yes, the video game series "WipEout" actually had a storyline, although not as prevalent in the games.

This story follows the life of an AG pilot named Lance Anderson as he goes through life in FEISAR University and as he competes in the world-famous FX league, taking place in the year 2184, right after "The Great Depression" that was caused by the fallout of the F9000 Anti-Gravity Racing League.

Taking place in England in the year 2184, this story follows the life of Lance Xavier Stark-Anderson, commonly known as "Lance." An average guy with a fascination for the world-famous AntiGravâ„¢ technology and a passion for AG racing. He was born on January 17, 2168.

Like most people, he dreamed of joining in the AG racing league when he was young. At the age of 8, he learned how to maneuver the basic controls for an AG craft. At 13, he joined many others like him to study in the Federal European Institute for Specialised Antigravity Research (which was also called FEISAR University), a school for the top AG racing pilots across Europe.

The institute he studied in was run by a corporation that specialized in the development of the best chassis technology in the league, which also had it's own racing team and had the same name, the Federal European Industrial Science and Research Corporation (FEISAR Corporation).

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