Monday, October 14, 2013

Oh my God, what a day. I'm sooo tired playing games all day.
Still, you know what happened with me and Jean? We got back together AS FRIENDS.

Yeah, we're friends again. I know, it sucks. You know, Jean will NEVER even love me anyway, so, why try? xD
You know, I don't think a girl could love me....really
I admit it, I'm not that much of a....whatever you girls call it. I'm just a simple guy, seriously.
Oh, it'll be a looooonnnggg time before you guys see my face :)

A loooooonnnggg time!

Okay, so let's just summarize what happened today 'cause the day was extreeemmmeeeelllyyyy BORING!!!

Me and Jean got back as friends
Elaine talked to me
Elaine went to a hotel for a medical mission
Elaine participated in it
I played Outlast, Portal 2 and Megaman X8
I watched IGSRJ

That's it :)

Seriously guys, I just spent the whole day sleeping, what else do you want? xD
Well......seeya tomorrow!!!

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