
I've been browsing blogs on Blogger lately and I found out that most of the blogs I've visited were abandoned, dead, but happy blogs.
Most (Well, all) of the blogs I've visited are about their respective families, careers and some of them even contain happy memories.
It's saddens me to see such blogs being abandoned like that, maybe people just became too busy.

Anyways, most of the blogs I've visited were filled with story, they were filled with humor, happiness, joy and other things like that.
I envied them, the people who took beautiful pictures and those who had a nice life.
I just wish I could write happy or joyful memories in my blog.
I could post a few awesome pictures or my surroundings.
Tell wonderful stories.
Share beautiful moments.
Stuff like that.

It's too bad though.
I see other people writing about how their day was going out so happily, or they got married and there were fireflies in the night, fancy-looking houses, awesome travels to different countries, and so on and so forth.

Gee, I'd love to post about those stuff.
Sadly, I can't at the moment.
All my posts are about the misery of my day-to-day life.

I really wanted to move to a new place; a place far far faaaarrrr away from here.
A place where I can be

But nah, I'm stuck here.
I'm stuck with a bunch of 4th year students heavily criticizing me, harassing me online, bullying me and all that stuff.

You know, some people say that YOU will meet the person that will change your life drastically in the future.
I was just wondering, who is this person that's going to change my life drastically???

They said that the change is drastic; they didn't specify whether the change is good or bad.

Whoever he/she is, I hope he/she helps me.
I could really use a lot of help right now.
I'm just stuck in a place filled with unending sadness.

No matter what I do to escape this sadness, it always comes back to haunt me.

To those people who have a nice life, enjoy it.

If someone could just put a stop to this unending sadness....
...if only


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