NT (New Technology)

I've been thinking the whole day.
What if Jean doesn't want me back?
What if Jean genuinely and literally wants to forget about me.

So, I've been thinking of running on a new OS (personality).
Just like Microsoft Windows, I too will run on an NT-based kernel and Operating System.
The fundamentals of my personality, my aspect, my looks and most importantly, my method of living will be redesigned, reinvented, and reimagined.

It's all about those Re- stuff, right? :D

Windows is running on Windows NT.

Oh, and speaking of Microsoft Windows, I'm actually a Windows 8.1 user and I love it!
I'm currently listening to So Nyeo Shi Dae - My Oh My whilst typing this down on Internet Explorer's Metro app.

I have to say, my laptop never run faster since I upgraded to Windows 8/Windows 8.1
My laptop actually ran on Windows 7 Home Premium when I first got it, then I upgraded to Windows 8 and Windows 8.1

Windows aside, I need to renew my life, to redesign it.
Or in simpler terms, change the way I live.

You know what I hate about my life?
It's boring as fuck.
It's sooo limited and shit.

If only I had a million dollars on something, I'd go to Japan, Korea or London and just stay there.

Oh, did you hate me because I'm a proud Windows user?
Actually, Windows isn't my choice, it's my preference.
I prefer Windows rather than OS X or "Ubuntu"
(Sorry for those Linux and Apple fans. I got something for you guys. Open "Terminal" and type "sudo halt" :D)

Back to the story, Jean left me and she's happily frolicking with her friends and whatnot, she's doing what she likes now and she's free.

Now I have to focus on my ever-so-loving big sister, Elaine.
Did you know that she actually treats me like her little sibling? xD
I love how she says "little brother" to me.

Oh no, you must think that I have a crush on Elaine, don't you.
I wouldn't blame you for thinking like that.
But in reality, Elaine is just my big sister and I want us to just stay sweet little siblings.

Besides, she has a boyfriend and I'm NOT the person who steals women, I'm not like that.
It's not in my Operating System to just take women.
I never had a crush on Elaine anyway. I just want her to be my big sister and be my best friend forever.

Speaking of Elaine, I got a taste of what life feels like without Elaine.
Elaine didn't talk to me the whole day and my day was extremely boring, VERY EXTREMELY BORING
It's like boredom multiplied by 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999
I told you guys, I wouldn't know what to do if I lost Elaine.

She's now more important to me.
She's my world, semi-literally.
She's everything I could ever ask for. A best friend, a family, a close friend and most importantly, a sister.
She's my sunlight.
She's the one who cheers me up when I'm down.
She's the one that tells me "It's okay :D"
She's the one that means a lot to me.
She's my heart.
She's my kernel.
She's my sister, Elaine :)

Wow. Look at the time, I must get going now.
I had a semi-horrible day today.
Jean wanted to get rid of me; she had fun doing it

You know, if I was given a choice between Elaine and Jean....
...I'd pick.....


Elaine is really those type of people meant for the long run.
She's those "people who will never leave your side"

Before I forget, I would like to remind you guys that because of yesterday's incident, I had to remove "Jean's Corner" and change it to "Elaine's Corner"
That'll be all, seeya guys tomorrow :D


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