The Mystical and Wonderful Life of the Uneaten Cake

It's that time of the week again, not it's The Weekly Potato, it's about The Uneaten Cake!
For starters, let's say that all of us were turned into cakes.
Now let's say that our cakey selves would match the look of our human looks; if you are beautiful, you would look like a delicious and well-baked cake; if you are not beautiful, you'd look like a horrible cake.

Oh, you thought the cake above represents me?
No no no no no no no no no, you're surely mistaken.

You have the wrong guy.

If I was a cake, I'd look something like....this....


That's right, I'm ugly.

It's hard to admit it, but hell yeah, I'm ugly.
I'm a cake who's never been eaten, never been tasted and never been loved.

That is, if I was a cake, but I'm not.

Wait, we're in cake world! All of us are cakes for now!
Oh my God, look at my friends, they all look like beautiful and well-prepared cakes..

Elaine in cake form
By the way, Elaine really loves Taeyeon

Sir James, in cake form

Last but not least, Jean in cake form

Cute and sadistic, just like Jean

Wow. They look awesome while I'm just here being king of the mold. :/

I'm always the one who hardly gets noticed, the one who's always left alone to rot by himself.
I have a nice personality within me, don't you think so?

Oh, if only I could find that one girl who can turn this ugly moldy cake into an awesome-looking and sweet Raspberry cake

If only...

But until then, I have to make myself an awesome cake.

I'm going to study hard, hopefully this quarter.
Also, I just hope somebody will finally appreciate my existence, I just hope so.
I don't wanna rot like the others, I have a dream too.

Woe is me, being the most horrible-looking cake of them all.

Why is the world so unfair for me?
Did I start Life in hard mode?

I guess it's like that.

I'm just hoping that I will meet someone who can and will change my life.
Someone who will make me try harder like never before; someone I can write for.
And finally, someone who will appreciate and love me.

Too bad that someone won't be coming in the near future..


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